Map of BOEM final Wind Energy Areas

los Oregon Area Identification Memorandum reviews the previous phases of the WEA process and potential impacts on fisheries; please review that document for detailed information


On February 13, 2024, the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM) announced two final offshore wind energy areas (WEA’s) off the South Coast of Oregon.  WEA’s are the areas within original Call Areas identified by BOEM where potential wind leases could occur following environmental review.

Community members are urging BOEM to adequately address the concerns of coastal communities, Tribes, elected officials, and local businesses before moving forward with leasing the wind energy areas to offshore wind project developers.

The announcement of the final wind energy areas does not mean that a floating offshore wind project is guaranteed to be built. If and how offshore wind projects are constructed in these areas will depend on many State and Federal permits over the next few years, with opportunities for community voices to weigh in along the way.


Until March 15, BOEM is taking comments from community members that will help inform the Environmental Assessment period this Spring. It is crucial that community voices are prioritized during this phase–and all future phases of this process.

South Coast communities can help shape this process by writing comments to BOEM. Not sure what to say? Check out the comment guide.


BOEM is hoping to move forward with leasing parcels within the wind energy areas to offshore wind developers as soon as October 2024. But first, the areas that they selected must undergo an Environmental Assessment with public comment, and an assessment by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development with public hearings and a 60 day comment period.

If the wind energy areas are approved, developers will be able to apply for leases. But that still doesn’t guarantee that a project will be built. Developers must make a project proposal and go through more review and assessment before starting any construction.

There will be important moments for community members to speak up to help shape this process along the way. It is crucial that BOEM follow the lead of coastal communities throughout each phase.


Communities are experiencing the impacts of climate change on the South Coast. It is necessary to transition away from fossil fuel energy–but that transition must happen in the right way. Community benefits must outweigh potential harm in all phases of an offshore wind project.

Front page of report: Principles for a Just Transition in Offshore Wind Energy by Uprose, Climate Justice Alliance, Taproot Earth and Rogue Climate.

Read the report: Principles for a Just Transition in Offshore Wind Energy


In order for offshore wind to move forward on the South Coast, the process must meet these priorities:

Consulta tribal significativa y el respeto a la Soberanía Indígena. Meaningful consultation and prior and informed consent of Tribes on the South Coast who’s cultural and natural resources could be impacted by floating offshore wind must be required for a project to move forward.  

Participación de la comunidad de la costa sur en el proceso y toma de decisiones para garantizar que las comunidades de la costa sur (incluidos los representantes locales de las tribus, la industria pesquera, los biólogos marinos, los defensores de la justicia ambiental y más) estén en la mesa de planificación y toma de decisiones. 

Protecciones para el estuario de Coos Bay para asegurar impactos mínimos a este ecosistema esencial, pesquerías y recursos culturales. 

Strong sustainable labor provisions incluyendo capacitación laboral para personas que están en transición de otras industrias, contratación local y trabajos sindicales bien remunerados. 

Beneficios de la resiliencia energética local including working with local electric co-ops and larger utilities to ensure energy infrastructure improves on the South Coast so communities have reliable, affordable energy in the case of extreme weather or disaster.

Beneficios para la comunidad > Beneficios corporativos If leasing moves forward, BOEM should use a multi-factoral bidding process that awards leases based on a project merits, not price. This process must require developers to reach Community Benefits Agreements and Project Labor Agreements with Tribes, local seafood industry, environmental justice organizations, conservation organizations, labor, and other stakeholders directly impacted by the proposal.


Floating offshore wind is a relatively new renewable energy technology that places floating wind turbines off the coast in deep water.  This is the technology proposed off of Oregon’s South Coast because of the depths of the ocean floor. Floating turbines are attached to the deep ocean floor by cables. Energy generated by the turbines are transported to shore by cables under the water, and then connected to the broader electric grid.

Climate change requires that we transition away from fossil fuels and seek our sights on clean energy, but that transition must be just and beneficial for local communities. In order for offshore wind to be part of that transition on the south coast, it must be led by Tribes and community members, minimize harm to natural environments, and protect maritime industries from displacement.


Many South Coast community members are not against offshore wind as a way to transition off of fossil fuel energy, but so far BOEM has not adequately addressed community concerns about the process and possible long-term impacts. Now, communities are demanding the BOEM address these concerns and commit to thorough public engagement before moving forward with offshore wind leases.

"BOEM has failed to recognize that wind development has impacted the Tribe and has failed to assure that wind energy development will do good and not harm the Tribe, its members, and the greater coastal community. The Tribe will not stand by while a project is developed that causes it more harm than good – this is simply green colonialism.” - -Tribal Council Chair Brad Kneaper, CTCLUSI
The final wind energy areas are in prime fishing grounds where millions of pounds of sustainable seafood have been harvested. The areas are prime habitat for marine mammals and include nursery grounds for important fish species. BOEM is pitting renewable energy against sustainable food production.” - Heather Mann, Midwater Trawlers Cooperation
Oregon's coastal communities deserve to have their voices heard and their concerns addressed before any further action is taken on offshore wind development.<br />We simply cannot support the advancement of this industry without meaningful consideration of the impacts on our communities, marine environment, and Tribal interests.”-Representative David Gomberg,<br /> Coastal Caucus Chair<br />
Rogue Climate South Coast Community Conversations on Floating Offshore Wind Energy, Red Cover, beach view

During the fall of 2022,  Rogue Climate hosted a series of community conversations to identify community priorities that must be considered in potential FOSW development. However, this is not a comprehensive reflection of all South Coast residents’ and constituencies’ opinions. This is our best qualitative representation of what we heard in these sessions, and strongly encourag more opportunities to engage and listen to South Coast communities, especially low income, rural, and Indigenous people. Read the report here.


Community-Wide Efforts Result in Discount Program to Reduce Energy Bills for Low-Income Households

Community-Wide Efforts Result in Discount Program to Reduce Energy Bills for Low-Income Households

Low-income families in Oregon can soon enroll in a program that will significantly reduce their energy bills. As a result of statewide community organizing efforts led by environmental justice organizations to pass the Energy Affordability Act (HB 2475) in 2021, Pacific Power’s low-income discount program will be launched on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Households who enroll in this program could receive as much as a 40% discount on their monthly utility bills.

Rogue Climate Statement Supporting Removal of the Lower Snake River Dams

Declaración sobre el cambio climático que respalda la eliminación de las represas del río Snake inferior

Rogue Climate apoya con entusiasmo la eliminación de las cuatro represas en la parte baja del río Snake. El impacto que estas represas están teniendo sobre la población de salmón y las Naciones Tribales es demasiado grande. La tribu Nez Perce ha estado luchando para eliminar las represas durante décadas, ya que afecta directamente a sus comunidades, los recursos alimentarios y culturales y el agua.

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