On November 18th, 2022 FERC released a short-sighted Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for TC Energy’s GTN XPress methane gas pipeline expansion proposal. Commissioners will have 90 days to review those findings and comments from community members and stakeholders before making their final decision as soon as February 16th, 2023. 

You can help by writing comments to let federal regulators at FERC know why you are concerned about the GTN XPress project and how you and others would be impacted by this fossil fuel expansion. Follow the steps below to submit your comments.

If you would rather skip making an account to file directly to FERC, you can also write a comment at this link and Columbia Riverkeeper will file it for you!

What to include in your comments?

Your comments don’t need to be technical or complicated! Just focus on the impacts that the GTN XPress pipeline proposal would have on you and the community you live in. Read more about specific impacts below:

Tell FERC to deny this application because the impacts to the climate, utility ratepayers, and to public health are
too great.
  • FERC’s Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) doesn’t fully capture the scope of upstream emissions and the GTN XPress proposal contradicts the emission reduction goals Oregon and Washington have set. Tell FERC why GTN XPress is bad for the climate and how climate change impacts you and your community. 

  • Do you live near the existing GTN pipeline route? Were you notified about this proposal, or given any opportunities to weigh in at earlier FERC decision points? Tell FERC what was missing from public outreach to impacted communities.

  • FERC’s FEIS fails to identify the potential for leaks and accidents by adding more pressure to this old pipeline infrastructure. Tell FERC how risk of pipeline leaks, accidents, or explosions would impact you and the community you live in.

  • Do you live near one of the compressor stations at Athol ID, Starbuck WA, and Kent OR? Do you feel you were given enough time and information about this proposal to weigh in at earlier FERC decision points?  Tell FERC how increased air and noise pollution at compressor stations impacts you and your community’s health and what was missing from public outreach to impacted communities.

  • Are you a rate payer of Cascade Natural or Intermountain Gas utilities? Tell FERC that you don’t want to pay higher utility bills because of expensive and unnecessary infrastructure projects like GTN XPress.

Be specific! Include your concerns and ways you may personally be impacted by GTN XPress.

Example Comment

I strongly oppose the GTN XPress proposed project (CP22-2-000). This project would increase emissions in the Northwest which directly conflicts with climate and emission goals set by Oregon, Washington and California states. My community is already feeling the impacts of climate change with record wildfires, droughts, and flooding *insert specific regional climate change issues* and this project would increase emissions contributing to these conditions.  

Specifically, I am concerned that [insert personal example]:

[example]: I live in Klamath County, Oregon and do not want to see more fracked gas flowing through the GTN pipeline which cuts through my community. Until recently I was totally unaware of this proposal and do not believe mine, or other communities along the pipeline route were given an opportunity to adequately voice our concerns about the environmental impacts this project would have. I am concerned about the increased risk of leaks, explosions, or other accidents with an increase to the capacity in this old pipeline and the detrimental impact that could have on our rivers, streams, and wildlife.  

I oppose this project and am calling on FERC commissioners to consider the input of our Western states’ Attorney Generals and the voices of people across the Northwest. Please deny the GTN XPress project.

How to submit your comments:

To file a comment with FERC, use their E-File system. NOTE: you must make an account first! For first time filers especially, the process can be complex, but this video will guide you through the process. Use GTN Docket # CP22-2-000. If you have any issues in filing you can email FERC’s Office of Public Participation at OPP@ferc.gov or by phone at (202)502-6595.

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