Pass the Climate & Clean Air Policy Package!

The Ashland Youth for Electrification Campaign is advocating for Ashland City Council to pass the Climate & Clean Air Package, a group of policies that would reduce fossil fuel use in the city.

This will improve air quality, support youth climate action, and increase energy efficiency and affordability in our communities.

The Climate & Clean Air Package will include:

  • A low NOx emissions standard to limit indoor air pollution in new homes.
  • A pollution fee for connecting new homes to gas hookups. The fee would fund energy-efficiency upgrades for low-income households in Ashland.
  • No new gas pipes along public streets and sidewalks in Ashland starting by the end of 2025.
  • A resolution to reduce fossil fuels in existing homes and new commercial and industrial buildings in the future.

Take Action!


Reasons to pass the Climate & Clean Air Policy Package

A group of youth in a city plaza holding a large banner that says "Ashland Youth for Electrification." The sign is in the middle of the group, with blue text and a large yellow sun with yellow and orange rays made out of hand prints. There are other smaller climate protest signs interspersed throughout the group.

Clean Air and Public Health

Everyone deserves to breathe healthy air inside their homes.

The use of fossil fuel gas to power home appliances is a significant source of harmful indoor air and climate pollution. Passing a limit on the amount of toxic pollutants that new homes can emit is an opportunity to improve the health of our communities.

Studies show the long-term health risks of living with household gas appliances like gas stoves, which produce pollutants like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and more–even when they are turned off. Living in homes with gas appliances increases the risk for childhood asthma (by 42%), blood cancers, heart disease, and dementia, among other concerning health hazards.


A group of youth in a city plaza holding a large banner that says "Ashland Youth for Electrification." The sign is in the middle of the group, with blue text and a large yellow sun with yellow and orange rays made out of hand prints. There are other smaller climate protest signs interspersed throughout the group.

Affordable Energy

Our communities need access to affordable and efficient ways to heat and cool our homes.

Building new homes with efficient electric appliances is cheaper, and saves money for tenants on utility bills. This is crucial to consider as we build more much needed affordable housing in our community.

A group of youth in a city plaza holding a large banner that says "Ashland Youth for Electrification." The sign is in the middle of the group, with blue text and a large yellow sun with yellow and orange rays made out of hand prints. There are other smaller climate protest signs interspersed throughout the group.

A Livable Future

Youth and our communities want clean air and a livable future! 

The Climate & Clean Air Policies would reduce citywide greenhouse gas emissions from new residential construction, and will put the city on track to take action on the the commitments listed in the Ashland Climate and Energy Action Plan.

According to the Oregon Department of Energy, residential and commercial buildings account for about one-third of Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions, and direct use of fossil gas creates 14 percent of the state’s GHG emissions. 

Black and white cut out of youth standing behind a banner that says "Ashland Youth for Electrification." Black text on yellow background says: "Clean Air for our future! Speak up for youth climate action in Ashland. Help pass the Climate & Clean Air Package."

Clean air for our future!

What is a low NOx emissions standard, and why do we want one?
  • What is NOx? NOx (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide) is pollution produced from burning fossil fuels that causes health problems including increased cases of childhood asthma and cancers. Household appliances that are run by gas produce NOx.
  • What is a low NOx emissions standard? A low NOx emissions standard means that appliances like furnaces and water heaters installed in new homes cannot emit toxic NOx pollution above a certain level.
  • Why do we want a low NOx emissions standard in new homes as part of the Climate & Clean Air Policy Package? A low NOx emissions standard would encourage developers to install efficient electric equipment in new homes for heating and cooling instead of using gas-powered appliances. This would drastically improve air quality and public health while saving residents money on energy bills. Plus, reducing fossil fuel use in new homes is a first step the city can take towards meeting the climate crisis.


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