Rogue Climate was founded in 2013 in the Rogue Valley of Southern Oregon.

Our mission is to empower Southern Oregon communities most impacted by climate change, including low-income, rural, youth, seniors, and communities of color, to win climate justice by organizing for clean energy, sustainable jobs, and a healthy environment.

We do so through leadership development, political education, fostering conversations, and campaigns for policies that benefit our communities over the special interests of the largest corporations.


Rogue Climate focuses on the following areas:



Local action.

We help communities organize themselves to develop clean energy and climate action plans to make it easier for residents, businesses, and agencies to transition to renewable energy sources and increase energy efficiency. This benefits all of us in the short term and helps build awareness of the need for larger solutions.

State action.

We help Southern Oregonians make ourselves heard on state policies to promote clean energy and climate change.

Cultural engagement.

We involve local residents of all ages in art projects and cultural events that have a focus on climate action.

Leadership development.

We help young people develop the organizing skills needed to bring about practical solutions.

Climate justice.

We help empower those who are most immediately vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including low and middle income families, people in rural areas, communities of color, seniors, and small businesses.

Emergency relief.

During the Covid-19 pandemic and the Almeda fires, Rogue Climate adapted to care for, defend, transform and compartir (share) with the communities of Southern Oregon. Many of the communities most hurt by climate change are also most at risk from the virus and the aftermath of catestrophic fires.

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